19 August 2007

Letrozole is Safe

I am writing this article because Letrozole is a very commonly used drug by Infertility Specialists the world over, but unfortunately it has also attarcted a lot of controversy and negative publicity. Would like to clear the air on some of the issues involved.
Ovulatory dysfunction is one of the most common causes of reproductive failure in sub fertile and infertile couples. Since the first clinical trial was published in 1961, Clomiphene Citrate (CC) has been the front-line therapy for ovulation induction. Its use quickly expanded to other empiric indications, such as luteal phase defect and the enhancement of fecundity in unexplained infertility. While CC is able to make eggs in 80% of patients, only half that number, or 40% will conceive. This is because CC has certain negative effects on the lining of the womb which hamper the implantation of the fertilized embryo. Failure to respond to CC occurs in up to 20% of cases, which may then require the use of injectable gonadotropins. Clearly, an inexpensive yet equally efficacious oral alternative would be ideal.
Recent research has focused on the successful use of aromatase inhibitors, mainly letrozole, for ovulation induction. We have been incorporating letrozole into treatment plans for appropriately selected patients for quite some time now. In India it is sold as Letroz, Letoval etc. Letrozole is a drug which has conventionally been used for Breast cancer treatment. This is only because Breast cancer requires the female hormone Estrogen for its sustenance and Letrozole is an anti oestrogen drug. It is because of this property that Letrozole can also be used to make eggs grow as in the absence of Estrogen, the hormones FSH and LH start to increase and stimulate the ovaries to make eggs bigger. Letrozole is commonly used in a dosage of 2.5mg twice daily from Day 2 to day 6. Several research papers have even used single day dosage of 20mg with good results. Single doses as high as 60mg have been administered without negative results. Letrozole has several advantages:
1. Letrozole has a very short half-life (~45 hours) and, therefore, is quickly cleared from the body. For this reason, it is less likely to adversely affect the endometrium and cervical mucus.
2. The results of several studies show that Letrozole and Letrozole + FSH cycles had the highest pregnancy rates.
There has been a lot of controversy that Letrozole use causes deformed babies, or that Indians have been made Guinea pigs for its trials. On the contrary, Letrozole is cleared faster from the blood than CC and therefore has lesser chances of affecting the conception, when it happens. CC in known to stay in the blood for upto six months after intake. Much before Letrozole came to India, hundreds of research papers were written all over the world and every paper only found benefits in its use. And lastly, before I rest my case, after all that media hype, Letrozole has been quietly given FDA approval by the government, for use in Fertility. Here is a link to a relevant artcile published in a reputed Journal, Fertility and Sterility in 2006 : http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fertnstert.2006.03.014


Anonymous said...

Thanku doc for the info... i was adviced to take letoval from day3-day 7 and Barkeit from d8-d17 and duphaston from d15 to d30 by a gyn. I came across ur useful info while browsing to know abt the medicines. can u plz tell me ur opinion abt this prescription....

Anonymous said...

i was lukin for information on letroze and found on ur site.im 35 yrs n trying to concieve since 2 yrs.now im recommended letroze and 4th IUI.Im goin for letroze after readin ur article though i dont feel positive abt concieving. i dont have any major problem as such ,so i was wondering whether drugs used for fertility r safe??or hv side effects?? wud like u to throw some lite on dis issue.

Anonymous said...

Hello Dr,

How long it takes for the complete elmination of Letrozole from the body? If I take Letrozole on D4-D8, when will it be elimiated? I ahve a short cycle of 24 days and usually see the LH surge on D11 or D12 (without the fertility drugs). I'm concerned about it causing any defects to the fetus. Please answer.

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr.Agarwal,

I will be undergoing an artificial insemination process very soon?What is the scope of pregnancy after that? Do I need to undergo complete rest at home till my next menstrual cycle to have a positive result in pregnanacy? I have undergone ovarian cyst laproscopy in Dec2007 and have a slight problem of endometryosis

Unknown said...

Respected Dr. Agarwal,
What is the use of Letoval for the patient having Endometriosys.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sir,

I m 38 years old & m trying to conceive since last 5 years. I hv undergone 5 times IUI with no positive result. Then I hv done laproscopy test & double uterus problem has been detected.

Pls let me know if theres is still any chance of pregnancy.

I Bose